Nanotechnology, Microchips and Injectable Biochip Implants: The Market, The Rules, and The Rule Breakers

Implants, Biochip, Microchips Technology. Harassment and Mind Control Potential

This is a series of articles on Injectable Implants, Nanotechnology and their implications for our rights and liberties. The last article is here.

How big is the market for this technology, and therefore, how big is the temptation to break the rules ?

It was again Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology who outlined the market for these technologies, and it is immense. Aptly titled the Future of Mind Control, their article discusses potential applications like monitoring and surveilling brain activity, and of course, curing diseases.

But even these valuable applications are accurately shown as only a part of the envisioned pie.

One can accurately envision some researchers gleefully rubbing their hands. An even bigger market, as revealed by the article : performance enhancement, by implant. An implant could easily allow an individual to get an unbeatable edge on his competitors.

The article then describes the biggest motherload of them all: curing cognitive aging. Yes, the panacea for an ultimate ailment, an injectable implant away. It’s no wonder the technology is called the Future, of Mind Control.

Implants, Biochip, Microchips Technology. Harassment and Mind Control Potential
Implants, Biochip, Microchips Technology. Harassment and Mind Control Potential

The resulting prospect of boundless wealth and power causes a rarified atmosphere. Within reach of boundless riches and closing in on immortality; you just know rules are bent and people appear expendable.

This is how threshold implant technologies make for a wild west situation on the ground. The rush to be first, to get unimaginably rich, to behold the cure for aging: it all draws risk takers right out of the woodwork. Inventors, tweakers, hobbyists, hacks, even mere thieves might amass more than wealth, but power. They might envision coteries of subservient, beautiful people, all around them.

Not a Stepford spouse, but a Stepford posse.

Power, absolute power, all following a simple injection, and the swipe of a touch screen. All that, and a potential cure for aging. It’s no wonder some people are breaking the rules.

And one need look no further than Dr. Lieber for how that rush for power might affect the morals of the researchers involved. In January of this 2020 Mr. Lieber was arrested by the FBI for allegedly concealing his sharing of nanotechnology with the Chinese Government, in exchange for a $1,500,000.00 project, a $50,000.00 per month salary, and a $150,000.00 yearly expense account.


When a renowned academic, Chair of Harvard’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and the leader of a crucial field of science is arrested, people begin to take notice. However, Dr. Lieber’s arrest was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wrongdoing in this rarefied atmosphere.

It turns out the only way to truly test these technologies is in people. And some people appear willing to bypass the rules. There is ample incentive: Human subjects for experimental neural interfaces are clearly hard to come by, added to the regulatory obstacles and long term costs for a lawful test.

It’s predictable that some will test these devices on outsiders, undesirables, and silent victims; and then pocket the presumed expenses of a test, instead. That’s exactly what happened during MKUltra; where they repeatedly used non-consenting people as “unwitting test subjects.” Now, intellectual property make all of this a race: Test a prototype, or improve a process. Either of these can lead to patents and thus reliable ‘passive’ income. Run a tests for someone else, for ready cash.

And it is also predictable that the power of total control within a syringe will be wielded against rivals, competitors, and whistleblowers. Because that is what raw ambition and lust for power does.

Read on to the next article, because that is exactly what has happened. Look at a current injectable implant Court case on these issues, which The Legal Coop is helping to fight the abuse of these technologies.

Nanotechnology, Microchips and Injectable Biochip Implants: The Market, The Rules, and The Rule Breakers #RNM #Injectable Implants #Privacy #Harassment #Nanotechnology #Biochips #Microchips

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