‘Anytown Syndrome’

The businesses of skulldudgery and revenge often require secrecy. As such, they have seized upon low signature devices that frequently befuddle doctors and law enforcement. Trained to look for bullet holes, most are thrown off track when Directed Energy Devices are used. Add the ‘testers’ of such technology to general criminals, and you have impunity in the making.

Concerned citizens and lawmakers have been working to change that. As of late, we have the limited benefit of the “Havana Syndrome” concept.

This name is of limited value. It could readily be called ‘Moscow Syndrome,’ or ‘D.C. Syndrome,’ or ‘Goungzhou Syndrome;’ since these events have also happened at each of those locations, and many more. So the name is not very descriptive, and may soon fall into disuse.

We could call it ‘Anytown Syndrome,’ to stay geographic. This tells of the worldwide nature of the phenomenom, but then it fails to insult anyone in particular. And you can’t go to war without insulting someone – which seems the thrust of some people using it. It is apparent we really can’t capture the global nature of the issue and remain geographic – a downer for war hawks, but in addition to ovegrowing official secrecy, the issue has moved beyond geography.

‘DEW Injury’ stands out.

DEW stands for Directed Energy Weapon – and Directed Energy is what the National Academy of Sciences saw:

National Academy of Sciences Report on ‘Havana Syndrome’

It’s also less Xenophobic: the energy displaced does not appear singularly Cuban. If COVID19 shouldn’t be termed “Wuhan Virus,” then here we can also avoid needless insult upon an entire city, for something that is happening worldwide.

DEW assumes there is a weapon, but after seeing some of the effects, it seems fitting. And such weapons do exist. Who or what may be wielding them, in a particular case, remains an open question.

In a useful way, these are ‘DEW Injuries.’ Because you can’t fix something you can’t name.

‘Anytown Syndrome’ #EnergyWeapons #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HavanaSyndrome #MicrowaveWeapons #ImmaculateConcussion #DEWInjury

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Action: We’re Pushing for Legislative Action on the Now Trending Issue of Energy Weapons

For years people have come forward to expose criminal conduct involving the use of Distant Energy Weapons (DEW) against their person.

For too long these people have been ignored, and the issue tabled. Accusations of ‘delusion’ or other slurs have sullied good people.

An onslaught of newspaper stories is on the verge of changing that. People from all walks of life, including diplomats and secret service agents have been attacked, some with lasting consequences including concussion, and brain damage.

To get an idea how pressing this issue is, take a glimpse at newspaper headlines by doing a Google search: 6 Million Hits on a google search for “Energy Weapons ” – Just on the News Section of Google alone. ‘Microwave attacks’ has 60 Thousand hits. ‘Microwave weapons’ has 30 Thousand hits. The corollary ‘Havana Syndrome’ – 50 thousand hits. And one of our favorites, ‘Immaculate Concussion,’ now has 5 Thousand hits. All of these are News section searches – general searches have a lot more web sites discussing the issue.

The old position is becoming untenable. Some people are owed an apology, and some are owed much more than that.

How long has our law enforcement known about these threats ? Back in January of 2020 I wrote a piece on this issue, intended for District Attorneys. There I mentioned a 2008 FBI bulletin. I provide a copy of that bulletin in my related blog post on this issue. The 2008 bulletin discussed the issue openly, and acknowledged,

“…directed energy systems are beginning to supplant conventional firearms…”

We must now ask, 13 years later: What exactly has been done, and what exactly is being done about their obvious threat to public safety ?

Where are the detection protocols for law enforcement to detect and help protect citizens against these weapons ? Where is the evidence protocols for prosecutors to prove these cases in court.

If people’s hands have been tied by lack of public interest, secrecy, or red tape, it’s time to untie their hands. Take Action:

A.) Get your legislator’s contact information and very simply ask what they are doing to create a law for these two issues:

1.) Detection protocols for law enforcement to detect and help protect citizens against Energy weapons.

2.) Evidence protocols for District Attorneys to prosecute Energy Weapon cases in court.

That is a two minute email or 5 minute phone call that you can’t afford not to make. Do it for the Federal and State Governments. Then,

B.) Retweet or Share this article on Facebook (Facebook button below the article) or use other social media of your choice. Let’s get momentum and get some action on this issue. Take this action to protect yourself and others. Give others a chance to do the right thing and get action on a pressing public safety issue.

Don’t be a victim of Energy Weapons, Take Action ! RT #EnergyWeapons #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HavanaSyndrome #MicrowaveWeapons #ImmaculateConcussion

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Thank You.

Energy Weapons: How Cutting Edge Technologies Allow the Abuse of Our Citizens, While The Law Lags Behind

“…directed energy systems are beginning to supplant conventional firearms…”

FBI Bulletin, 2008

Back in January 2020 I wrote an Article called Law’s Lag, meant for District Attorneys, and intended to inform our law enforcement and legal system on the loopholes that were allowing the terrorizing of our citizens with energy devices.

In an effort to get more action on this issue, the article is reproduced below:

“Law’s Lag”

How the Law Falls Behind

A historical perspective on organized stalking, high tech harassment, and legal loopholes

By Ray A. Schumann


1.  Corruption’s Sign

The front waves of corruption’s tide are sometimes first seen at the civil court.  While widespread trends still hide, their wake of human wreckage washes onto Civil courts, revealing early patterns of large scale activity. 

Present times are showing such a pattern in our civil courts, with thousands upon thousands of victims describing organized stalking and high tech harassment as the source of their trouble. 

The goal appears as the submission of law abiding individuals to criminal enterprise.  The means is terrorizing individuals with mobbing and high tech harassment.  People who describe this situation are hardly even believed, creating an impossible situation for law abiding citizens. 

A situation that is oddly reminiscent of approximately 100 years ago.

2.  As it Was Then

It was the early 20’s of the last Century, when people in every city of every state complained of rising criminal phenomena, then gaining power at the expense of law abiding citizens.  Average citizens and merchants, enduring submission to criminal entities through entrapment, blackmail, or the threat of violence.  With threat and subtle force did corruption’s tide engulf entire cities, with even small business and merchants feeling the mob’s bite: comply, pay, or be destroyed.

The coast to coast crisis that corruption hid could be seen on main street.  Still did authority fail to react.  For years later the crisis percolated in the face of denials by the most high.  Law abiding citizens then faced the costs of two systems of authority: One being the Government, and the other, the local criminal racketeering enterprise.

3.  Corruption Hides in Plain View

“There is no Mafia” replied one chief enforcer, named J. Edgar Hoover.  California’s AG, then run by the original Edmund G. Brown, saw absolutely “no evidence of Mafia activity.”  The sentiment was echoed in the media, with newspapers referring to mafias as a “gag,” or a “myth.”

It took courage, and not from a few, to stem that tide.  Individuals, like those of the Kefauver Committee Hearings, which in 1950 told the truth resonating throughout a nation.  The humble committee’s hearings then became a nationally televised sensation.

The debate raged one-sided until a meeting in rural New York shed some light.  As local police watched in awe, a hundred mafia bosses spanned the country to brazenly glide shiny limos over muddy potholes, all en-route to an obvious National Mafia summit.  Scorsese’s Godfather did eventually honor that scene.  Still, on that day, it was only a Vice squad that went in. 

The Mafia’s seemingly unstoppable advance showed that inadequacy in existing law allowed this to happen – And how the problem had to be addressed at the national level.  The reaction spurred national crime monitoring, the first “Racket Squad” at the US DOJ, and ultimately, the passage of RICO legislation tailored to address that particular criminal wave.

4.  Weakness in the Law: How It Happened Then

-A novel market opportunity arose: The National Prohibition of Alcohol. 

-Immediate opportunity to run speakeasies which basically retailed alcohol to locals.  Most towns had at least one: Locality. 

-Speakeasies had to be kept under-wraps – otherwise, raids cut into the profits:  A culture of Secrecy.

-No competition meant high profits, fostering nationwide criminal rings:  National level organizations.

-They used guile, fear, and violence to intimidate locals into permitting their operation: Racketeering as a pillar. 

-They had “Omerta” a code of secrecy which permitted their activities to remain unseen: Enforced Secrecy.

-Weakness in federal law (RICO did not yet exist) made it difficult to address fear and threat based racketeering at the local level. 

-No strong nationwide law enforcement organization meant crossing political boundaries afforded escape. 

-Most important of all there was no awareness that a criminal enterprise could exist to poach locals for profit.  Given the culture and the media, anyone talking of racketeers was not believed, was suppressed, or simply labeled imaginative.

5.  It is Now

It is the early 20’s of the new century, and people in all cities and states are complaining of an overwhelming criminal wave anew.  All aspects are the same, including the official reaction to reports of these crimes: they don’t exist. 

6.  Corruption, Plain Sight

One source ?  The National Brain Initiative (BI), which will hit a budget of $525 Billion in 2025 – And that’s just the acknowledged Federal funds. 

It can easily be understood to encompass the following goals: Mind reading, mind writing.  Emotion reading, emotion writing.  Thus, absolute power at stake.  Increasing computer power allowing unprecedented resolution in scanning.  Energy manipulation advancing in parallel, opening new frontiers in the submission of humankind.  Terror, bliss, at the swipe of a screen. 

7.  Weakness in the Law: How It Happens Now

-A novel market opportunity arises: The BI, triggering an IP Race for related tech in Individual & Crowd Control, espionage, and warfare.

-Immediate and desperate demand to gain the technology, run human testing, beat the patent race, use it to gain slaves, silence critics, or beat competitors.  Every town wants some: Locality. 

-Tests and tech naturally draw secrecy prone Intelligence, law enforcement, or other muscle: A culture of Secrecy again arises.

-The potential profits and power of the tech is astronomical, fostering nationwide criminal rings: National level organizations.

-Criminal entities seek and use the tech, using guile, fear, and violence to intimidate locals into silence and to obtain more human subjects and slaves: Racketeering as a pillar. 

-Much of the tech has proprietary or classified variants, is operated by cleared public servants or cleared for-profit personnel, permitting activities to remain unseen: Enforced Secrecy.

-Weakness in federal law (No law enforcement protocols exist for evidencing misuse of energy devices) making it difficult to address energy-based based racketeering at the local level. 

-No strong nationwide law enforcement of the energy spectrum means cover and easy escape. 

-Most important of all, there is no awareness of criminal enterprises poaching locals for profit, using advanced technology.  Anyone talking of energy based harassment is not believed, is labeled imaginative, or worse.

8.  Loopholes in the Law

-State Law which may protect people are made useless by lack of detection protocols.  California Health and Safety Code 21470 et seq, for example, requires protocols regarding electromagnetic experimentation.  Proving a viola on of the law is difficult, however, since there is no protocol for detecting harmful or intrusive energy displacements in the first place. (Such protocols exist for gunfire through ShotSpotter, for example).

-Indeed the Federal law can be said to be the real loophole, Where some hard fought protections, such as 50 U.S. Code § 1520a’s Informed Consent applies only to DOD components, and exclude electromagnetic testing.  That law misses at least 50 years of technology.

-Current law permits Emergency behavioral assessments to rule “voices” an indicator of mental illness – yet cheap technology to induce “voices” in another (microwave auditory effect) has been available for decades.  Forcing a commitment onto someone else has never been easier.

-Secrecy adled agencies or contractors can barely be said to exist, never mind heed a local officer’s investigation – acting as quite the modern Untouchables.


FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 2008

It was over ten years ago that an FBI bulletin announced “lasers and other forms of directed energy systems have begun to supplant conventional firearms” (FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, #77, 4, April 2008), yet no mechanism for detecting or prosecuting the use of these weapons has been devised.  No public awareness of the threat exists.  The results can be seen in cities across the country: a new racket arose to cash in on the vacuum, submitting our citizens by the subtle use of force, with organized stalking to quietly terrorize holdouts into submission.

As usual, it is courageous state legislatures and municipalities which are leading the way to protect their citizens.  Resolutions relating to space-based directed energy weapons (‘Kuccinich Resolutions’) have been passed by Berkeley California, with Richmond California acknowledging that the counterpart organized stalking exists.  State legislatures such as Michigan, Massachusetts, and Maine pioneered laws regulating Directed Energy Devices, as well. 

As then, it is now.  Today’s power continues to combine with time to inevitably yield corruption. One need only look at the suffering, for patterns that betray systematic crime.  And the patterns are there anew. 

Aggressive organized stalking buttressed by directed energy: the new racket.  

By Ray A. Schumann

Energy Weapons: How Cutting Edge Technologies Allow the Abuse of Our Citizens, While The Law Lags Behind RT #EnergyWeapons #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HavanaSyndrome #MicrowaveWeapons #ImmaculateConcussion

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